Smobilpay API Documentation
Welcome to our Smobilpay 3rd Party API documentation to guide you to integrate our APIs into your application
OverviewThe S3P API is a single entry point to a group of different sub-APIs that cover different generic transactions and service types on the Smobilpay platform that include:
| Use CasesThe S3P API allows you to integrate different applications and access the different APIs we offer. In order to understand the big picture from a functional point of view and to understand how the different endpoints are interact with each other to provide complete functionality, access our use case descriptions in the Use Cases Section. | Authentication & AuthorizationIn order to make authorized calls to S3P API, a valid public access token and an access secret must be obtained for your application. In addition, all messages must be authorized using the S3P Authorization Standard. This standard is similar to the OAuth v1.0a authorization Standard. You can find more details in the section for Authentication and Authorization |
API Reference & LibrariesDevelopers can access detailed reference documentations on our API. Amongst others, you can find: | ErrorsSmobilpay’s API is RESTful and thus, it uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of requests. You can find details of the Error codes and HTTP response codes here | Requesting Access and credentialsIntegrators receive access as part of their welcome package. Please open a ticket in our Service Desk if you have not received access credentials for the test environment. |

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