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Topup Transaction

This is a special subtype will credit an amount to a destination account with the service provider.

  • Example A: A mobile top-up of 10 USD. The parameters passed along (in this case the phone number) determine the destination of the top-up and the amount by which this account is to be credited.

  • Example B: A payment for a prepaid electricity meter. A customer can simply top up his meter by providing his meter number, customer number or contract number and selecting the desired predefined amount to be topped up.

High Level Transaction Flow

You can topup a customer four easy steps:

  1. Get a payable item ID for the service provider by calling the /topup endpoint

  2. Initiate the transaction by calling the /quotestd endpoint

  3. Finalize the transaction by calling the /collectstd endpoint

  4. Verify the transaction status by calling the /verifytx endpoint

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