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Voucher Purchase Transaction

This is a special subtype of a product payment that will return a digital code (PIN or serial number) which can then be redeemed with the respective service provider it was purchased for.

  • Example: A customer purchases a voucher for a mobile phone top up. The response from Smobilpay will include a digital pin, which the customer then has to enter (e.g. via USSD) into his phone to top it up.

Purchase a voucher (During customer interaction – if customer wants to purchase a voucher)

  1. Call the /voucher endpoint to retrieve an updated list of all available purchasable voucher packages for the selected service

  2. Select a package and request a quote via the /quotestd endpoint

  3. Collect payment for a package by calling the /collectstd endpoint

  4. Verify the transaction status by calling the /verifytx endpoint

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